2nd Avenue Storage

Walk to Your Storage Unit

Located in Birmingham, AL, 2nd Avenue Storage is the Loft District's source for all your storage and secure parking needs.
Please make an appointment to come see us next door to El Barrio.

Customer Testimonials


"This has been incredibly convenient for us over these past 4 years."

- Marc G., 2nd Avenue Storage Customer

"Great storage area… We were very satisfied with the storage unit over the several years we rented it.”

-Roy R., 2nd Avenue Storage Customer

Birmingham Business Journal

My neighbor Jeremy Wood is renovating a historic building down the street from me.  We've had a good time keeping up with each others' progress and comparing notes.  I'll post a few pictures of Jeremy's building next week, but in the meantime, he gave me some great news.  We were both featured in a article in the Birmingham Business Journal by Lauren Cooper.  How cool is that?  See the article here.